Rutana : 558 prisoners were released.
Rutana : 558 prisoners were released
Bujumbura, February 20th,2024, Gako News(Blog) During the official launch of the release of prisoners, 558 prisoners convicted of minor offences were released by the President Ndayishimiye Evariste in Rutana Province.
On February 19th,2024, President Ndayishimiye Evariste launched the release of prisoners sentenced for minor offences at Rutana central prison.President Evariste urged them to bew involved in country's development and promised them a support in agriculture sector. During a moralising session before their release, he called upon them to be change makers and develpment actors in their community.
On 4th January, 2024, during a press conference, Jean Marie Nshimirimana, Ntabariza's Chair Person regreted that to date the number of prisoners remains high, at over 12,000 in Burundi's 11 prisons.However , he said this year : 2,750 of the 12,000 prisoners will be released.