'''' '' '#" Ndongozi,ni mubanze mwikuremwo ivyo vy'ugusehera inda zanyu''- Perezida Varisito Ndayishimiye.



Showing posts with label Economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Economy. Show all posts

Saturday, April 27, 2024

April 27, 2024

Burundi: Vision2040-2060 au risque d'être simple slogan

Burundi: Vision2040-2060 au risque d'être un simple slogan.

Bujumbura, le 27 Avril 2024, Gako News (Blog) Parole et Actions pour le Réveil des Consciences et l’Evolution des Mentalités (PARCEM) lance un appel vibrant au Gouvernement, au parti au pouvoir et à la population de faire la sortie du document vision 2040 et 2060 un acte réellement fatidique car des paradoxes peuvent la transformer en un simple slogan. Elle propose ''un sursaut national de changement de mentalités et comportement gage de la réussite de cette vision''.

Dans une conférence de presse animée par la PARCEM ce vendredi 26 Avril 2024, Faustin Ndikumana, président de cette ONG locale, partant de la situation actuelle du pays, a fait savoir que
si certaines contradictions ne sont pas absolument levées, la vision Burundi pays émergent en 2040 et Burundi pays développé en 2060 restera un simple slogan. Regrettant que le contenu de cette vision n'est pas connue du public, Faustin a insisté que cette vision ne sera pas atteinte avec une légion de paradoxes au niveau des dirigeants qui semblent ignorer la PND 2018-2017. Il a rappelé les deux piliers de cette vision :

  • Bonne gouvernance, paix et réconciliation
  • Coopération et la mobilisation des ressources

Pour Faustin Ndikumana, le parti au pouvoir vient d'organiser une réunion qualifiée de fatidique pour déclencher une dynamique de changement de comportement pour que la solution de décollage économique soit une réalité mais au vu de la situation actuelle Parcem trouve qu'il y a risque de se décourager et à prendre la vision 2040 et 2060 pour un simple slogan car certaines étapes sont visiblement sautées.  

Pour justifier ce risque , il avance  plusieurs raisons:  Le contenu des  documents du PND et ceux de cette vision ne sont  pas réellement  connu du public , l'inflation qui reste galopante, le chômage qui  bat le record, les entreprises qui s'appauvrissent le jour au jour, les produits de première nécessité dont le carburant qui se ratifient, les entreprises comme Brarudi, Sosumo, Jiji Murembwe qui présentent des problèmes de fonctionnement suite au  manque des devises. Ainsi, ''s'il faut changer de comportement, il y a des contradictions qu'il faut absolument lever et sur lesquelles il faut agir pour aboutir à une volonté réelle de changement de comportement. On ne peut pas décoller sans avoir de trajectoires'', lance Faustin. 

''Ces documents ne sont pas exploités sciemment parce que si on les explore, il y aura des recommandations lourdes qui pourraient peser sur les autorités de les mettre en application'', dit-t-il. On ne peut pas décoller sans avoir fait la mobilisation des ressources'', ajoute-t-il.  La balance commerciale a été déficitaire depuis longtemps et ce n'est pas pour demain qu'elle sera équilibrée. On ne peut investir uniquement dans le café et l'avocat pour faire face aux problèmes actuels. Il faut accepter la transparence. Il faut que les institutions de l'Etat soient redevables car ''elles gèrent la chose publique dans l'opacité et sans contrôle et prennent des décisions gravissimes en matière économique ''. 

Le Burundi veut tendre vers l'émergence or ce n'est pas à ce niveau que le pays puisse se donner le luxe de se passer de l'aide au développement .On ne peut pas décoller alors qu'on ignore la recherche scientifique. Faustin propose au Gouvernement du Burundi de prendre des décisions qui se fondent sur des études et  aller s'enquérir  auprès de ceux qui ont déjà  réussi et ne pas s'enfermer dans sa tour d'ivoire. Sur ce, il faut accepter que le Burundi fait face à une pauvreté sans précédent. 

De la lutte contre la corruption, Faustin comprend mal pour quelle raison le Gouvernement du Burundi vient de supprimer la brigade Anti -corruption alors qu'il n'ý a pas un autre service qui puisse valablement la remplacer: '' il y a lieu de lutter contre la corruption en créant une autre forme de corruption''. Le document y relatif date 2011 et il n'y a pas de documents actualisés ce qui revient à douter qu'on ne peut pas s'engager dans un tel combat sans un plan bien établi. Faustin parle d'une justice ligotée qui opère sous des injonctions et le joug du parti au pouvoir au rythme de l'impunité et une solidarité négative. 

S'agissant du secteur privé, le gouvernement actuel opère par ingérence : vouloir  tout orchestrer, tout régenter. Par exemple, acheter la récolte pour la revendre, créer une entreprise qui importe le carburant n'est pas le rôle de l''Etat. L'Etat doit plutôt libéraliser l'économie car il est régulateur et pas acteur. Le gouvernement devrait s'engager dans les affaire comme élaborateur des bonnes lois ,facilitateur de la concurrence et ne pas sujet de la  concurrence déloyale. Certains  entrepreneurs reçoivent des exonérations et .des devises facilement alors que d'autres sont pénalisés  dans un système de capitalisme de copinage. 

Parcem lance un appel vibrant au Gouvernement, au parti au pouvoir et à la population de faire la sortie du document vision 2040 et 2060 un acte tellement fatidique ,ne pas montrer qu'on fait avancer les affaires mais réellement en pratique continuer les contradictions constitue une offense de la réussite de la vision 2040-2060, a conclu Faustiin Ndikumana, Président de la Parcem.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

March 02, 2023

EIB committed to support LDCs


EIB  committed to support LDCs.

On  March
2, in order to accelerating sustainable development around the world, the
European Investment Bank EIB (EIB ),   announced in the press release  that it will  join the United Nations (UN) 5th Conference
for Least Developed Countries (LDC5), taking place from the 5th to the 9th of
March 2023  in Doha, Qatar.

The Vice-President Thomas Östros who will
represent that bank  will take opportunity to open the private
sector forum and participate in the discussions on structural transformation.
The Bank will co-host the High-Level Roundtable on “Investing in People’s
Health through Global Gateway” together with the European Commission’s
Directorate-General for International Partnerships, states the press release.

EIB Global, the new development arm of the EIB
Group, will also announce, alongside its partners, support for private sector
development and for transformative projects in Least Developed Countries,
including in Gambia and Guinea-Bissau, in the green energy, transport, and water
sectors. The EU’s Global Gateway strategy was designed to mobilize around €300
billion for sustainable investment around the world.

Talking about the conference, EIB
Vice-President Thomas Östros went on and said: ''The current multiple crisis and
conflicts happening in different parts of the world cannot deviate us from
delivering the UN Sustainable Development Goals and accompanying the prosperity
and resilience of Least Developed Countries. Partnerships with the private
sector are essential to boost sustainable growth and create jobs. Together with
our Team Europe partners and in line with the EU Global Gateway strategy, we
are committed to mobilize long-term investment that will unlock opportunities
and improve people’s lives across the world''.

We come to this UN summit with a determination
to make transformative projects in countries and communities that need them
most, a reality. Poverty, hunger, and disease are putting at threat the
prosperity of communities. Many of them are also particularly vulnerable to
climate change. But working together, in partnership, we can ensure through
economic development and sustainable infrastructure that these challenges are
overcome, added Maria Shaw Barragan, EIB Global’s Head of Lending for Africa,
Asia, Pacific and Latin America

During the conference, EIB Global will
particularly focus on the importance of universal health coverage that will be
the theme of the roundtable co-organized with the European Commission. This
side event will look at ways to increase access to health-care services, essential
medicines, diagnostics, vaccines, and other health technologies, notably

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is the
long-term lending institution of the European Union owned by its Member States.
It makes long-term finance available for sound investment in order to contribute
towards EU policy goals.  EIB Global is
the EIB Group’s specialized arm dedicated to increasing the impact of
international partnerships and development finance.  EIB Global is
designed to foster strong, focused partnership within Team Europe,
alongside fellow development finance institutions, and civil society. EIB
Global brings the Group closer to local people, companies and institutions
through our offices across.

March 02, 2023

EIB committed to support LDCs


EIB  committed to support LDCs.

On  March
2, in order to accelerating sustainable development around the world, the
European Investment Bank EIB (EIB ),   announced in the press release  that it will  join the United Nations (UN) 5th Conference
for Least Developed Countries (LDC5), taking place from the 5th to the 9th of
March 2023  in Doha, Qatar.

The Vice-President Thomas Östros who will
represent that bank  will take opportunity to open the private
sector forum and participate in the discussions on structural transformation.
The Bank will co-host the High-Level Roundtable on “Investing in People’s
Health through Global Gateway” together with the European Commission’s
Directorate-General for International Partnerships, states the press release.

EIB Global, the new development arm of the EIB
Group, will also announce, alongside its partners, support for private sector
development and for transformative projects in Least Developed Countries,
including in Gambia and Guinea-Bissau, in the green energy, transport, and water
sectors. The EU’s Global Gateway strategy was designed to mobilize around €300
billion for sustainable investment around the world.

Talking about the conference, EIB
Vice-President Thomas Östros went on and said: ''The current multiple crisis and
conflicts happening in different parts of the world cannot deviate us from
delivering the UN Sustainable Development Goals and accompanying the prosperity
and resilience of Least Developed Countries. Partnerships with the private
sector are essential to boost sustainable growth and create jobs. Together with
our Team Europe partners and in line with the EU Global Gateway strategy, we
are committed to mobilize long-term investment that will unlock opportunities
and improve people’s lives across the world''.

We come to this UN summit with a determination
to make transformative projects in countries and communities that need them
most, a reality. Poverty, hunger, and disease are putting at threat the
prosperity of communities. Many of them are also particularly vulnerable to
climate change. But working together, in partnership, we can ensure through
economic development and sustainable infrastructure that these challenges are
overcome, added Maria Shaw Barragan, EIB Global’s Head of Lending for Africa,
Asia, Pacific and Latin America

During the conference, EIB Global will
particularly focus on the importance of universal health coverage that will be
the theme of the roundtable co-organized with the European Commission. This
side event will look at ways to increase access to health-care services, essential
medicines, diagnostics, vaccines, and other health technologies, notably

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is the
long-term lending institution of the European Union owned by its Member States.
It makes long-term finance available for sound investment in order to contribute
towards EU policy goals.  EIB Global is
the EIB Group’s specialized arm dedicated to increasing the impact of
international partnerships and development finance.  EIB Global is
designed to foster strong, focused partnership within Team Europe,
alongside fellow development finance institutions, and civil society. EIB
Global brings the Group closer to local people, companies and institutions
through our offices across.

March 02, 2023

EIB committed to support LDCs


EIB  committed to support LDCs.

On  March 2, in order to accelerating sustainable development around the world, the European Investment Bank EIB (EIB ),   announced in the press release  that it will  join the United Nations (UN) 5th Conference for Least Developed Countries (LDC5), taking place from the 5th to the 9th of March 2023  in Doha, Qatar.

The Vice-President Thomas Östros who will represent that bank  will take opportunity to open the private sector forum and participate in the discussions on structural transformation. The Bank will co-host the High-Level Roundtable on “Investing in People’s Health through Global Gateway” together with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for International Partnerships, states the press release.

EIB Global, the new development arm of the EIB Group, will also announce, alongside its partners, support for private sector development and for transformative projects in Least Developed Countries, including in Gambia and Guinea-Bissau, in the green energy, transport, and water sectors. The EU’s Global Gateway strategy was designed to mobilize around €300 billion for sustainable investment around the world.

Talking about the conference, EIB Vice-President Thomas Östros went on and said: ''The current multiple crisis and conflicts happening in different parts of the world cannot deviate us from delivering the UN Sustainable Development Goals and accompanying the prosperity and resilience of Least Developed Countries. Partnerships with the private sector are essential to boost sustainable growth and create jobs. Together with our Team Europe partners and in line with the EU Global Gateway strategy, we are committed to mobilize long-term investment that will unlock opportunities and improve people’s lives across the world''.

We come to this UN summit with a determination to make transformative projects in countries and communities that need them most, a reality. Poverty, hunger, and disease are putting at threat the prosperity of communities. Many of them are also particularly vulnerable to climate change. But working together, in partnership, we can ensure through economic development and sustainable infrastructure that these challenges are overcome, added Maria Shaw Barragan, EIB Global’s Head of Lending for Africa, Asia, Pacific and Latin America

During the conference, EIB Global will particularly focus on the importance of universal health coverage that will be the theme of the roundtable co-organized with the European Commission. This side event will look at ways to increase access to health-care services, essential medicines, diagnostics, vaccines, and other health technologies, notably through.

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is the long-term lending institution of the European Union owned by its Member States. It makes long-term finance available for sound investment in order to contribute towards EU policy goals.  EIB Global is the EIB Group’s specialized arm dedicated to increasing the impact of international partnerships and development finance.  EIB Global is designed to foster strong, focused partnership within Team Europe, alongside fellow development finance institutions, and civil society. EIB Global brings the Group closer to local people, companies and institutions through our offices across.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

December 21, 2022

Ngo ntibatahura impamvu ubushikiranganji bubiri buvuguruzanya.

Nduwimana Claude ni umurundi aba mu gihugu ca Australiya avuga ko yari yumvise akamo k'umukuru w'igihugu gahamagarira abarundi baba mu makungu  kuza guterera mw'iterambere mu gihugu ca bibarutse. 

Nkuko abivuga ngo agashitse ngaha mu gihugu  yashinze ishirahamwe ryitwa UNGWANA  rihingura ibifungurwa. Mu vyo yatanguriyeko cari ikinyobwa citwa Ungwana wine  ni umuvinyu uhinguwe mu vyamwa vyo mu burundi ata n'ibivamahanga birimwo. Yarabikoze hari haheze imyaka itatu. Nkuko abandi babigira yaragiye muri   Agence de developpement du Burundi (ADB)  hanyuma arandikira ikigo kijejwe kugenzura akanovera BBN  arabamenyesha ivyo ashaka gukora bamurungika mu bushkiranjanji muvyo bujejwe harimwo amahingurira. Yarasubiye muri BBN gusaba uruhusha araheza arasigura ibizoba bikoze ico kinyobwa . Baramusaba gutanga ibisabwa nawe arabitanga munyuma baramugendera aho akorera baraheza baranatwara uturorero tw'ivyo akora imbere y'uko babishira kw'isoko barapima. BBN yaciye imuronsa icemeza ko iryo shirahamwe miri mu yemerewe gukorera mu gihugu.

Mu kwezi kw'icumi ngo BBN yabivugiye mu kivunga ko ayo mashirahamwe yahawe imisi 45 none ko hasigaye iminsi 3 yo gutunganya ivyo basabwa ariko ngo haronderwa amashirahamwe ahingura amatangawizi. 

Nduwimana Claude ngo yatangaye abonye haje abaporisi batandatu bashika batanga itegeko ko abazkozi bahari basoka maze bashirako amagufuri. Ngo muri urwo ruganda harimwo amarudipe atari make arimwo imivinyu iryo shirahamwe ryahingura . Ivyo ngo vyatumye abakozi barenga 70 baca babura akazi . Nduwimana ngo yahavuye amenya ko ishirahamwe arongoye ritari ku rutonde rw'amashirahamwe yemerewe guhingura ibinyobwa mu Burundi. Ngo yarituye ubushikiranganji bw'ubudandaji n'amahingurira bukabemerera ko bwiteguye kubugururira ariko ngo ibintu bipfira mu nzira.

Nduwimana Claude  iruhande yo guhingura imivinyu mu biterwa kama vyo mu Burundi yariko aragira ubushakashatsi bwo kubika ivyimburwa ku buryo bimara imyaka ibiri bikimeze nkuko vyimbuwe. Ivyo ni nk'ibiharage , amateke ibijumbu', isombe kuko mu gihugu c'Ubuganda hoho yaramaze gutangura ico gikorwa co kubibika no kubisohora hanze y'igihugu bikagurirwa mu makungu.

Hano mu Burundi, ubushikiranganji bw'uburimyi bukaba butamukundiye kuko ngo ivyimburwa atari ikirenga ahubwo bwamusavye kuzana imitahe yo kurima kugirango haboneke umwimbu mwinshi. Nduwimana Claude yaramaze kuzana imitahe mu burimyi ariko akagira amakenga kuko hashobora gufatwa ingingo zituma ivyo yimbuye adashobora kubisohora.

Mu ruganda bavuga ko ivyo bahingura atakange vyatowe ariko akanenge katowe ku nyubakwa. Bakibaza ko bategetswe gukura kw'isoko ivyo bahingura agahombo uzokariha na nyarirya bakora barahawe uruhusha n'ababijejwe. Baribaza impamvu ubushikiranganji butariko bubina kumwe. Ngo haragera igihe abahingura bene ivyo binyobwa babura ubushikiranganji bitura  kuko ngo harasohotse amkete menshi, intonde nyinshi zivuga amashirahamwe yemerewe  gukorera ku butaka bw'uburundi. Ikibazo baca bibaza ni uko igihe bemeregwa ababaha izo mpusha ntaburenganzira bene kuzitanga baribafise. Ngo ikindi batazi n'ikijanye n'amashirahamwe yemerewe aho yoyo yapimishije ivyo ahingura kuko ngo baherutse bose bapimishiriza mu kibanza kimwe.

Mu gihe havugwa ko amashiramwe yose ategerezwa kwimurigwa muri karitiye Aziyatike kandi ngo ishirahamwe ridashoboye kuriha ikori ringana rirenga canke ringana n'imiriyoni  50 z'amahera y'amarundi ngo ace yugara ngo reta izoba yibagiye ko atawuvuka rimwe ngo ace yuzura ingovyi.
Kuri ivyo vyose basaba umukuru w'igihugu ko yofatira ku civugo reta arongoye maze afashe ayo mashirahamwe yariko arakora mu guteza imbere igihugu ngo kuko bo ntibatiko baratahura ukuntu ubushikiranganji bw'amahinguriro n'ubudandaji buriko busa n'ubuvuguruzanya n'ubushikiranganji bw'intwaro yo hagati.
December 21, 2022

Ngo ntibatahura impamvu ubushikiranganji bubiri buvuguruzanya.

Nduwimana Claude ni umurundi aba mu gihugu ca Australiya avuga ko yari yumvise akamo k'umukuru w'igihugu gahamagarira abarundi baba mu makungu  kuza guterera mw'iterambere mu gihugu ca bibarutse. 

Nkuko abivuga ngo agashitse ngaha mu gihugu  yashinze ishirahamwe ryitwa UNGWANA  rihingura ibifungurwa. Mu vyo yatanguriyeko cari ikinyobwa citwa Ungwana wine  ni umuvinyu uhinguwe mu vyamwa vyo mu burundi ata n'ibivamahanga birimwo. Yarabikoze hari haheze imyaka itatu. Nkuko abandi babigira yaragiye muri   Agence de developpement du Burundi (ADB)  hanyuma arandikira ikigo kijejwe kugenzura akanovera BBN  arabamenyesha ivyo ashaka gukora bamurungika mu bushkiranjanji muvyo bujejwe harimwo amahingurira. Yarasubiye muri BBN gusaba uruhusha araheza arasigura ibizoba bikoze ico kinyobwa . Baramusaba gutanga ibisabwa nawe arabitanga munyuma baramugendera aho akorera baraheza baranatwara uturorero tw'ivyo akora imbere y'uko babishira kw'isoko barapima. BBN yaciye imuronsa icemeza ko iryo shirahamwe miri mu yemerewe gukorera mu gihugu.

Mu kwezi kw'icumi ngo BBN yabivugiye mu kivunga ko ayo mashirahamwe yahawe imisi 45 none ko hasigaye iminsi 3 yo gutunganya ivyo basabwa ariko ngo haronderwa amashirahamwe ahingura amatangawizi. 

Nduwimana Claude ngo yatangaye abonye haje abaporisi batandatu bashika batanga itegeko ko abazkozi bahari basoka maze bashirako amagufuri. Ngo muri urwo ruganda harimwo amarudipe atari make arimwo imivinyu iryo shirahamwe ryahingura . Ivyo ngo vyatumye abakozi barenga 70 baca babura akazi . Nduwimana ngo yahavuye amenya ko ishirahamwe arongoye ritari ku rutonde rw'amashirahamwe yemerewe guhingura ibinyobwa mu Burundi. Ngo yarituye ubushikiranganji bw'ubudandaji n'amahingurira bukabemerera ko bwiteguye kubugururira ariko ngo ibintu bipfira mu nzira.

Nduwimana Claude  iruhande yo guhingura imivinyu mu biterwa kama vyo mu Burundi yariko aragira ubushakashatsi bwo kubika ivyimburwa ku buryo bimara imyaka ibiri bikimeze nkuko vyimbuwe. Ivyo ni nk'ibiharage , amateke ibijumbu', isombe kuko mu gihugu c'Ubuganda hoho yaramaze gutangura ico gikorwa co kubibika no kubisohora hanze y'igihugu bikagurirwa mu makungu.

Hano mu Burundi, ubushikiranganji bw'uburimyi bukaba butamukundiye kuko ngo ivyimburwa atari ikirenga ahubwo bwamusavye kuzana imitahe yo kurima kugirango haboneke umwimbu mwinshi. Nduwimana Claude yaramaze kuzana imitahe mu burimyi ariko akagira amakenga kuko hashobora gufatwa ingingo zituma ivyo yimbuye adashobora kubisohora.

Mu ruganda bavuga ko ivyo bahingura atakange vyatowe ariko akanenge katowe ku nyubakwa. Bakibaza ko bategetswe gukura kw'isoko ivyo bahingura agahombo uzokariha na nyarirya bakora barahawe uruhusha n'ababijejwe. Baribaza impamvu ubushikiranganji butariko bubina kumwe. Ngo haragera igihe abahingura bene ivyo binyobwa babura ubushikiranganji bitura  kuko ngo harasohotse amkete menshi, intonde nyinshi zivuga amashirahamwe yemerewe  gukorera ku butaka bw'uburundi. Ikibazo baca bibaza ni uko igihe bemeregwa ababaha izo mpusha ntaburenganzira bene kuzitanga baribafise. Ngo ikindi batazi n'ikijanye n'amashirahamwe yemerewe aho yoyo yapimishije ivyo ahingura kuko ngo baherutse bose bapimishiriza mu kibanza kimwe.

Mu gihe havugwa ko amashiramwe yose ategerezwa kwimurigwa muri karitiye Aziyatike kandi ngo ishirahamwe ridashoboye kuriha ikori ringana rirenga canke ringana n'imiriyoni  50 z'amahera y'amarundi ngo ace yugara ngo reta izoba yibagiye ko atawuvuka rimwe ngo ace yuzura ingovyi.
Kuri ivyo vyose basaba umukuru w'igihugu ko yofatira ku civugo reta arongoye maze afashe ayo mashirahamwe yariko arakora mu guteza imbere igihugu ngo kuko bo ntibatiko baratahura ukuntu ubushikiranganji bw'amahinguriro n'ubudandaji buriko busa n'ubuvuguruzanya n'ubushikiranganji bw'intwaro yo hagati.
December 21, 2022

Burundi-Tanzania : Habari njema


Akizungumuza kuhusu  ujenzi wa reli Uvinza- Gitega, Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Mhe, Samia Suluhu Hassan alitowa habari za faraja kwa wa rundi  na wa tanzania wote.

'' Nataka niwape habari za faraja, kwamba kuna mtu tayari ameshajitokeza. Anataka kujenga(kipande cha reli Uvinza-Gitega) atatumia pesa yake sio mkopo halafu tutakatana kwenye kusafirisha mali yake atapokuwa anasafirisha'' . 


December 21, 2022

Burundi-Tanzania : Habari njema


Akizungumuza kuhusu  ujenzi wa reli Uvinza- Gitega, Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Mhe, Samia Suluhu Hassan alitowa habari za faraja kwa wa rundi  na wa tanzania wote.

'' Nataka niwape habari za faraja, kwamba kuna mtu tayari ameshajitokeza. Anataka kujenga(kipande cha reli Uvinza-Gitega) atatumia pesa yake sio mkopo halafu tutakatana kwenye kusafirisha mali yake atapokuwa anasafirisha'' . 


Saturday, December 17, 2022