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Thursday, June 20, 2024

RefugeesDay : 43.5 million refugees across the globe

 RefugeesDay : 43.5 million refugees across the globe

Bujumbura, June20th, Gako news (Blog) The latest figures show that a total of more than 120 million people around the world are forcibly displaced, including 43.5 million refugees said the UN general  secretary on the 2024 refugees'day .

On the 2024 refugees's day ,  Antonio Guterres , the UN Secretary General  regreated that from Sudan to Ukraine, from the Middle East to Myanmar to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and beyond, conflict, climate chaos and upheaval are forcing record numbers of people from their homes and fueling profound human suffering.

The latest figures show that a total of more than 120 million people around the world are forciblydisplaced, including 43.5 million refugees, said Guterres.World Refugee Day is about honouring their strength and courage – and stepping up efforts to protect and support refugees on every step of their journey, he added.

Refugees need global solidarity and the ability to rebuild their lives in dignity  and young refugees need quality education to achieve their dreams, Guterres urged.

He considered that  generous host countries, mostly low- or middle-income countries, need the support andresources to fully include refugees in societies and economies and called upon the world to pledge to reaffirm the world’s collective responsibility in assisting and welcoming refugees  in upholding their human rights including the right to seek asylum . 

There are now nearly 2.4 million South Sudanese refugees making it the larges refugee crisis in Africa, said UNHCR.

The  ITUC General Secretary Luc Triangle said: “This day serves as a reminder of the resilience and courage of refugees and the urgent need for global action to ensure their protection. Trade unions are uniquely placed to support people seeking refuge by protecting their right to work and democratic, workplace rights. This is what we do; they are core values for the trade union movement, and central to the ITUC For Democracy campaign.”

World refugee Day was held globally for the first time on 20 June 2001 to commemorate the 50 the anniversary of the Convention to the Status of Refugees.

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