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Saturday, April 8, 2023

LDCs can’t really up graduate without tax justice, said experts

 LDCs can’t really up graduate without tax justice, said experts 

Doha, On March 6th Civic society members gathered in Doha for the fifth United Nations Least Developed Countries (LDCs) conference held a meeting to analyze and contribute to the Doha Program of Action for these countries for the Decade 2022-2031 which opens a new window manifests a new generation of renewed and strengthened commitments between the least developed countries and their development partners, including the private sector, civil society and governments and youth.

Jason Rosario Braganza, AFRODAD's Executive Director, one of the meeting organizers said during interview that it isn’t possible for  least developed countries  to up graduate without an idea of moving toward tax justice network  because’’ we have been struggle to help children to benefit from development, benefit from taxes at the moment it turns to regressive. Over the days we heard that on the challenges Africa and last developed countries are facing is the issue of domestic mobilization and without that we cannot achieve tax justice because people need taxes to provide services, people need taxes to provide  public services  that how the population benefit from public services’’.

According to Braganza if a country cannot raise taxes to finance her obligations it means that the population is at the risk of help crisis. This is the case of COVID-19. When a country is in such a situation many countries, particularly least developed countries, are advised to encourage the private sector to come into the help sector and provide public services and the big challenge is that it becomes expensive. He said it is not possible for the general public to access what public service had prepared. With low income, LDCs cannot do it, without tax justice LDCs cannot really graduate. 

The AFRODAD's Executive Director suggested to the LDCs to find out how law-income countries can improve and change their position in the area of manufacture. Braganza regretted the fact that Africa is wealthy but its population is poor and asked himself how African can change this situation. 

Talking about the government’s commitment, he said that Africa community states are involved in promoting the population’s wealth. In order to overcome poverty, he said the last developed countries should start the investment process in public services.  

According to Nkezumukama Prime, Dukingire isi yacu (DIY), Executive Director and Nairobi tax justice academy laureate , least developed countries need to restructure their domestic resource mobilization systems in order to well boost their economies. Prime said without tax justice as one of the main means to come upon their financial challenges, such countries can not really up graduate.

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