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Thursday, February 23, 2023

COVID-19 : WHO needs US$ 2.54 billion to provide help and respond to the urgent needs

 COVID-19 : WHO needs US$ 2.54 billion to provide help and respond to the urgent needs.

The  World Health Organization (WHO)  needs US$ 2.54 billion to provide help and respond to the urgent needs of the most vulnerable amongst a record 339 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, states its report published today.

On 22 February WHO published its report with huge  emergence. The report states that  globally, nearly 5.3 million new cases and over 48 000 deaths were reported in the last 28 days (23 January to 19 February 2023), a decrease of 89% and 62%, respectively, compared to the previous 28 days. As of 19 February 2023, over 757 million confirmed cases and over 6.8 million deaths have been reported globally.

COVID-19 as of 19 February 2023, over 757 million confirmed cases and over 6.8 million deaths have been reported globally, states the WHO today's report.

Member States’ contributions to the WHO's Contingency Fund for Emergencies (CFE) enabled us to release US$16 million for supplies and initiate the response to the Türkiye and Syria earthquakes within hours.

Thus, WHO needs US$ 2.54 billion to provide help and respond to the urgent needs of the most vulnerable amongst a record 339 million people in need of humanitarian assistance. Many are at risk of serious health threats, including disease outbreaks, nutritional crises, and lack of access to essential medical services, The funds will enable WHO to respond to 54 ongoing emergencies, 11 of which are Grade 3. 

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